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Cheetahs for Change (CFC) is a collaborative, student-led club and organization at Charles P. Allen High School, seeking to advance equity and bring awareness to social justice issues not only in our communities but globally. Our group provides a safe environment for students to share their untold and unheard stories, experiences, and voices, as well as a place to amplify the voices of historically underrepresented groups. Our mission is to foster open-mindedness, tolerance, empathy, and intercultural intelligence, which is essential in empowering the voices of young people and members of the racialized and LGBTQ+ communities. 


As we try to comprehend the status quo, we must remember that our social identities are not limited to just one facet – not race, gender, class, marital status, faith, sexuality, disability, socio-economic background, or age. CFC is hoping to hardwire intersectionality and inclusion into the future of education because every child matters every day. CFC has undertaken several projects thus far, all with the purpose of initiating the unheard conversations and amplifying the voices, frequently silenced. We also spread positive messages of inclusion through the use of language and creating art. In the past few months, our group has prepared a student-led workshop on anti-racism while exploring topics such as privilege, whiteness, and social constructs of race and gender, we have given a platform for MP candidates to speak to youth, we have collected resources and donated them to homeless shelters, we had Elder Marshall speak about Etuaptmumk to students, we created a video to recognize truth and reconciliation and to promote 

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Indigenization, we have been helping to preserve and protect the environment by educating our peers and creating a connection to the earth and we have directed and produced a video to recognize and share with others the importance of Remembrance Day.


Cheetahs for Change works because we want to help our community move forward to a more sustainable, empathetic, and equitable future. We recognize that as students, we are the future and we are the ones who can make change that will last; change that others are not willing to make. Through the simple acts of communication and collaboration, the club has slowly begun to leave its imprint in the school. With our voices, we hope to open the eyes, ears, and minds of our peers, and kickstart the changes that need to be made. "Open your hearts and feet will follow" has become the guiding mantra of the club.

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Microagressions conversation; 2020-2021

Our previous club members

Halifax encampment; August 2021


"Weeping Willow Project"; 2021


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We are sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipients of the 2023 Lieutenant Governor's Respective Citizenship Award and as one of the winner in the Halifax Regional Municipality’s Volunteer Awards Program. It is a great success for the club and all of our members, and we will use this success to inspire us to continue our work.

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