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Micro Aggressions are an indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against groups with rich diversity. Microaggressions may suggest that someone does not belong with the majority group, threaten or intimidate them, or relegate them to an inferior status and treatment. Although a microaggression is a subtle behavior, which can be verbal or non-verbal, conscious or unconscious, it can have a big impact because of it's derogatory effects. Oftentimes a microaggression will occur without the perpetrator noticing, whether it be ignorance, lack of education or simply an accident, it still needs to be addressed in order to prevent it's reoccurrence. As students and part of society, we must find a way to move forward in unity, without damaging, ignoring or excluding anyone.


 Although the word microaggression implies a small effect, they can be much more hurtful than they may seem at face value, and over time can contribute to a decline in mental health, sense of self worth, and pride in their culture. Think about it this way; A mosquito bite. Once or twice, here and there, it can be considered annoying. But every single day, multiple times a day, it can really build up and have a large impact, or cause a lot of harm. Some people are much more prone to mosquito bites than others, just like how microaggressions can be targeted towards people based on their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and mental or physical Illness.


Cheetahs for Change had noticed this issue within our school, and it therefore became our mission to educate ourselves and our peers to the best of our ability, explaining how this isn't just an issue that exists globally, but within the walls of our own school; our second home. In April of 2021, we made a short video, providing students with facts, and making them aware that it is important to self-educate and do your best to think before you say, so that nothing comes across with a different meaning than intended. The video was shown at a professional development day, to an enormously positive reception by the teachers of our school. We hope to remaster this project again in 2022 in hopes of having a greater impact and providing a presentation of even higher quality, discussing ways you can approach your friends or family when you hear a microaggression. Our goal being to achieve even higher results of preventing microaggressions from arriving in our school. 

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